
Oskari Setänen: “Valmennussuhde on ollut avainroolissa henkiselle kasvulleni”
Oskari Setänen has been working with Mental Performance Coach Mirjam Wallin for the past six years to support him with the mental demands of professional hockey.

Oskari Setänen: “Coaching has helped me perform more consistently”
Oskari Setänen has been working with Mental Performance Coach Mirjam Wallin for the past five years to support him with the mental demands of professional hockey.
Sebastian Repo: “Coaching helps me stay in the right lane”
Sebastian Repo finds Mental Performance Coaching with Mirjam Wallin to be a worthwhile process that facilitates development as a hockey player.
Mikko Petman: “Everyone deserves to become their greatest version.”
Professional hockey player Mikko Petman says dealing with mental blocks with a Mental Performance Coach always leaves you better off.
Aapo Siivonen: “Mirjam guides you to do the work and find your own answers.”
Aapo Siivonen says Mental Performance Coaching with Mirjam Wallin has helped him execute at his best level, and grow both as a person as well as a hockey player.

Jussi Kähkönen: “There’s less stress about hockey now.”
U20 hockey player Jussi Kähkönen has been working with Mental Performance Coach Mirjam Wallin to improve consistency.