You’re in the right place.

“Let’s harness your
full potential!”
Mirjam Wallin is an academically trained & professionally experienced
Certified Mental Performance Coach.
She is passionate about helping elite athletes & professional coaches all over the world via 1:1 video calls to enhance performance and evolve into their greatest version. Coaching empowers and accelerates growth - releasing more potential for a flow-state, maximized impact and consistent performance at the highest level. Improved emotional well-being paves the way for sustainable confidence, success and true fulfillment.
What Mirjam’s clients are saying
Oskari Setänen
Professional Hockey Player
“Coaching provides a great opportunity to develop as a player and as a person. It has helped me perform consistently well for longer periods of time, and be at my best when it has mattered the most. Coaching is key for my growth and well-being and I will continue to use it to support me with the mental demands of hockey.” Read more
Vilma Viitanen
Professional Boxer
“Performing well as an athlete is mentally challenging. I believe working on mental performance regularly is very important. Mirjam knows how to ask the right questions to help me find answers and make new discoveries. Without coaching, I would not have grown as much. Mirjam has been a great help.” Read more
Diogo Tomás
Professional Football Player
“Mirjam, thank you. Your presence exudes that you care deeply. In our sessions I feel safe to express my inner world, delve into it and learn to navigate it. And when it sometimes gets too dark and I don’t know where to go; you’re there with a flashlight showing just the right amount of light that I trust my next step again.” Read more
Get inspired by Progress
& Success Stories
Evolve into your
greatest version
Identify what’s really holding you back
Get raw, real and honest with yourself to truly understand what’s getting in the way of harnessing your full potential. Increased self-awareness enhances performance!
Create shifts and break through the glass ceiling
Learn how to get out of your own way, free yourself from mental blocks and allow yourself to take the next big step.
Rise to a higher level of consistent performance
Find the tools to manage your inner world that allow you to be at your best consistently - the level you’re truly capable of. No more constant ups and downs!
Create opportunities and keep expanding
You know that itch inside of you that tells you what real success would feel like? Yes, that. Bring that burning passion into reality.
Work with me
I am not taking on any new coaching clients at the moment, but please leave your contact information and I will be in touch as soon as I am available to begin new coaching partnerships! I might be available for a single session, so please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Mikko Petman, Professional Hockey Player
“Everyone deserves to become their greatest version.”
drive us
it’s there where we find our greatest challenges and power.
When harnessed properly, emotions help us succeed. But when emotions control us, we fall short of our capabilities.
Tapping into your full potential comes through increased mental & emotional well-being, and by learning the necessary skills to understand and manage your inner world.
Uncover your best self.