Will Bray - “Mental coaching has been a great journey.”

will bray

“Mental coaching has been a great journey. I discovered a lot about myself, in a relaxed and fun environment.

Focusing on the process has been key, which gave me clarity in my mind.

Regular calls are good, and always something I look forward to doing. It’s never a stress or a chore.

There is lots of ups and downs during the season.

Coaching has helped me approach things in a positive way. Whether it’s good or bad, we found ways to put it in a good light.

If anybody is thinking about starting, my advice is to do it.

At the beginning of the season, I was very up and down with confidence and mood.

At the end of the season now, I’m calmer and approach situations with a better perspective.

I’m looking forward to the future and seeing where we go on the ride.”

- Will Bray, Hockey Goalie, Coventry Blaze

Follow Will on Instagram: @willbray40


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