Mental Performance Coaching helps athletes in individual Sports
Photo: Tampereen Voimailuseura
“Mental performance coaching has really helped a lot. Without it I would still be stuck. Coaching helps to process things thoroughly, which allows you to make progress step by step and bring the desired changes into reality.
I have gotten to know myself better and found what helps me get further as an athlete. My lifestyle is more athletic now, I can deal with bad practice better and regulate my state of mind. Self-confidence is higher and I am able to be present in the moment. I now know what kind of mindset I want to have going into a match, and I can tap into my strengths more.
The coaching relationship got off to a good start right from the beginning. Before this, it seemed difficult to find the right person, but with Mirjam it’s felt easy to talk about personal things. It’s important to have a coach you can open up to.
Photo: Tomi Mäkipää
I recommend mental coaching to all athletes. Even if you think there’s nothing to improve on – there always is. Through coaching, you will find those things faster, and be able to work on them. I will continue to invest in my progress in the future as well.”
-Niazz Ahmadi, Boxer
“Before coming to coaching I’d become aware of mental blocks that were hindering my performance. I wasnt able to unlock them and was going around in circles, trying to force my thoughts to change.
Coaching has allowed me to create a path to move forward. It’s released energy from being nervous to focusing on improving performance instead.
I have more confidence now. My mental capacity has expanded and I’m able to control emotion and nerves when competing. I’ve learned how mental state affects performance, and how to regulate it. It’s easy to see the results from coaching, when you look at the bigger picture.
Mirjam is a great coach.
She guides you to find your own solutions, which is important. It’s much more effective, than just being handed the keys. Mirjam always helps to put my thoughts into words, so that I myself understand it better. Although it’s not always easy talking about feeling, working with Mirjam is. Each session has been a step forward. For me, having video sessions every 2-3 weeks really works.
I recommend trying mental performance coaching with an open mind - it gives you tools to expand your potential!
-Laura Lindberg, Wakeboarding